Tuesday, October 28, 2008

BlueCalico Pitcher 6x6 Oil on wood panel

Someone once told me that the principle difference between Rembrandt and any other painter is that Rembrandt had more good days. Me, I have too many bad days to trust that when I get out of bed that I can produce a really good Painting-A-Day. I knew this when I started so I began painting on January l, and by the time I started posting, half way through June, I had a big backlog. About March I discovered that I painted too slow, so I had to speed up, the brush strokes all had to be speedier and I had to simply infer what might be going on rather than paint all that. This painting came out of my pre-March period. There are no swift brush strokes here. The red background is more vivid than this image would indicated. E-mail me at artistjohnwlong@live.com

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