My grandson called nectarines " glossy peaches". Being absolutely required to maintain a painting every day makes you a better painter. Part of it is that in having just and couple or three hours to get the job done, you simply cannot waste time frittering. For years I have been painting with acrylics as a trompe L'oeil artist on the walls of houses, and loose brush strokes were certainly not desirable. In converting back to oils - a major thing for me - soft edges are effective. When I was going to art school acrylics were barely invented and there was no such thing as an acrylic painting class. Out of necessity as a commercial artist, I learned to use acrylic paint. I knew that I had lost the colors that oils gave but with speed entering the equation there was no wasting time on oils to dry. That is where I also adopted the hard edge . But now I'm back to where I started, and its like a honeymoon with your college sweetheart after spending several years in a marriage made strictly for practical considerations.
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