This is a misleading picture. It looks like a lake in the Ozarks but it is a pond in Oklahoma. It is neat to be able to edit the world. The pond is no lake and the hill is said to be an Indian mound. One of the things I like about art is that the artist is making his own reality. You create boundaries and rearrange things, moving trees, intensifying colors, just whatever you want.The viewer is stuck with your version of reality. One thing I vividly remember about this spot - it was one of those epiphanies people have - I was a young man spending a Sunday afternoon amusing myself by shooting frogs and snakes that would swim around with their heads sticking up out of the water. Exactly as my painting shows those fluffy white clouds suddenly began to rain, thundering and shooting out lightening. It was time for me to get out of there - but I was too late, and out in the open the lightening struck me to my knees, Biblical tongues of fire flying all about me, when something (God?) told me there is a difference between shooting skeet for fun and sport and killing innocent animals for fun and sport. I wasn't hurt, but I haven't pulled a trigger since. E-mail me at artistjohnwlong@live.com
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